Older Women's Network (WA) Inc

Welcome to OWN:

Open to all women over the age of 50 years

Advocate for the well being of women

In most Australian States

Regular meetings

Newsletter published quarterly

Affiliated member of National Council of Women and The Council on the Ageing WA

WA OWN Groups

The following groups operate within OWN WA to cater for members' interests.

As a member of OWN WA you are welcome to participate in any or all of them.

Database connection confirmed

Test Group 3 OWN WA

Meets on: Last Wednesday
At: Town Hall
Main St
Time: 1.00
President Ph: 8888 999 777 Mob: 0405 338 567

Test Group 2

Meets on: 3rd Wednesday
At: Town Hall
Main St
Time: 2.30pm - 3.30pm
Eliza Keller Ph: 99999 Mob: 0402 888 555
Madeup Name Ph: 111222 333 Mob: 0409 234 7654

Test Group 1

Meets on: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays
At: Nonesuch Hall
NoneSuch St
Time: 12 noon - 1.30pm
A Name Ph: 1234 Mob: 0401 234 567
Another Name Ph: 9876 Mob: 0410 222 345

About OWN WA

OWN WA Aims and Objectives:

To encourage awareness of older women's interests

To promote enrichment of life, mutual support, companionship and friendship amongst older women

Social interaction, learning, health and exercise

To promote awareness by Governments of older women's concerns i.e. housing, health, safety, income, security, transport, home and community care, etc

To achieve recognition of the voluntary contribution of older women in society

To present a positive image of older women and to celebrate ageing

To provide and distribute information for and about older women

What OWN Does:

OWN WA is an organisation of and for mature women who seek to enrich their lives and those of others by involvement in:

Discussion groups

Fun and friendship

Information sharing

Mutual support

Theatre group



and social gatherings

You are most welcome to join us.

** You're never alone with OWN **

OWN WA Newsletters

Please select a newsletter to either view on screen (if your browser will view PDF files) or download to view on your device.

Newsletter ID number:14

Date uploaded: 21/11/2018
Month of Newsletter: March 2019


Newsletter ID number:13

Date uploaded: 21/11/2018
Month of Newsletter: March 2019


Newsletter ID number:12

Date uploaded: 18/10/2018
Month of Newsletter: March 2018


Newsletter ID number:11

Date uploaded: 18/10/2018
Month of Newsletter: February 2018


Newsletter ID number:10

Date uploaded: 18/10/2018
Month of Newsletter: January 2018


Contact Us

Please use this form to contact OWN WA:


Back To NOWN Home Page

Image attribution:

WA Parliament House: Nachoman-au CCsa

Telecommunications Tower: Mattinbgn CC 3.0
