Bear in mind that these pages have been made for a purpose:
to display the prototypes required for the Design Sites Assessment.
Consequently, they have been constructed for viewing on the overhead projector and screen in room IT112.
And, we are advised, the projector runs on a screen resolution of 1024px x 768px.
Consequently, if viewed on monitors set at a greater (or more normal) resolution, these pages will look bunched to the top and sparsely populated.
Admittedly, this issue could have been fixed with the use of media queries and alternative style sheets, but that is beyond the scope of the assessment and I haven't got time - these are "quick and dirty" mock-ups for a presentation.
These issues will, however, be addressed in the final product.
The assessment calls for the presentation of two prototypes made on a graphics editor such as photoshop.
This has been done and the images are displayed as full page CSS sliders on the ggg-prot-display.html and dsotm-proto-display.html files respectively.
They are accessed by following the "photoshop images display" links on the project home page.
As both sites prominently feature animations and effects, however, I really had to build working prototypes of these themes to make sure they would work.
Well, they did. These tests are what I call "proofs of concept" and can be accessed by following the "proof of concept" links on the assessment home page.
While we're talking about the animations and effects, I should mention that all these pages are, at the time of writing, constructed using only HTML and CSS. No javaScrpt or jQueries to be found.
That includes on-click events and all.
Amazing what you can do with CSS.