Looking for ideas for a lawn? The following are our two favourite grass varieties, but we can install and maintain any other appropriate grass that you may like. Our suppliers are on the Central Coast so you know that the conditions your lawn is bred in is as close as possible to the conditions you have.
We recommend Kikuyu. This grass is easy to grow, thrives on full sun, moisture and is tough as – has runners that spread quickly and the grass is tolerant to high traffic. It seeds in March and requires regular mowing.
For more information on Kikuyu grass, follow this link.
This grass is an option for more shaded areas.
It is a wonderful green, gives a soft feel, yet still tolerates some wear and tear.
For more information on Shademaster Buffalo grass, follow this link.
The best time for fertilising is usually Autumn & Spring. We generally use a slow-release product. Natural, organic products such as fowl manure can be used, but we suggest you consider your neighbours!
Turf will produce a quicker result, but at a higher cost.
Seeding lawns will be cheaper, but requires more work and care. There is more chance of weeds appearing from their seeds blowing in to the area.
The following is a guide only – our climate varies quite a lot!
That will depend on the weather. A good lawn should have been prepared well in advance with good drainage.
You will have to check with your local Council regarding how you can water.
You can check on your Council's current water rules by following one of these links: Wyong Shire Council, Gosford City Council, Lake Macquarie City Council.