Welcome to The House of Thunder Companion.

    This is an interactive web_book designed to add another dimension to your enjoyment of the House of Thunder Series. There is a page for each region that is mentioned in the books; each region that was involved in the Punic Wars:

  • Carthage and North Africa
  • Sicily
  • Spain
  • Transalpine Gaul
  • Sardinia
  • Illyria and Greece
  • Northern Italy and Rome
  • Southern Italy and Magna Graecia

    Each section contains maps to help you place the action in the THOT books into a geographical context. Also included are images, diagrams, information and links to other sites with information on the period.

    Click on the elephant coin link below to go to the Companion's interactive map and continue your exploration of the ancient world. As you do so, please note that this web_book is interactive in another sense: If you have images, information or links that you think would be useful or interesting to other people enjoying the Companion, please contribute it. On each page there is a link to the blog for THOT Series (http://thehouseofthunder.blogspot.com.au/). To contribute material, follow one of the links and post it as a comment on the blog. As far as possible, all reasonable contributions will be published and attributed.

    Please ensure that each contribution is your own work or that you have permission to publish it. That said, enjoy! You can help build the THOT Companion! Follow the elephant. All roads might lead to Rome, but the elephants will take you to to the world, or at least back to the interactive map:

Cover images:

The main image is a bust believed to be of Hannibal which was found at Capua. The image below it is 'Hannibal Barca' written in Phoenician - possibly a bit incorrectly....it seems the Phonecians tended to leave out vowels but the "alp" character was part of their alphabet and the equivalent of the Latin "a", so it is included.

The image of the coin used as a link in these pages is the "tails" side of a coin discovered in Spain, part of the "Mogente Hoard." The other side of the coin bears an image which is either that of the god Melquart or (more likely) a depiction of Hamilcar Barca, then ruler of Spain, and Hannibal's father.